Route 66 at night

a friend of mine who is traveling the world for a year just blogged of all the amazing things that can be seen in Paris at night. hukas, chocolate pencils, astrolabes, men holding signs that say “Cherche nympho.” the world being “flat” i thought i could do the same thing, as i just spent two weeks in ABQ and was about to drive along Route 66 all the way back to Los Angeles. the only problem was the question of darkness. New Mexico at night is simply black matter. bupkis. quietude. nada. there’s jack to see.
so, while i pretend the whole wheat bread from Sage (which is extraordinary, btw) is a loaf from Poilane’s and my macaroon is a macaron, here’s a glimpse of things you see in ABQ during the day:

hot air balloons just hanging out…

roadrunners…just hanging out…

fancy parking jobs at garage sales…

an easy way to move dogs along freeways…

occasional moments of awesome road signage…

and it wouldn’t be New Mexico without a visit from space aliens…

things to note along Route 66: casinos offering child care by the hour, Kodak film for sale, Fort Courage: Take Pictures of Past, and my all time favorite, Meteorites 50-60% off. i just can’t believe the prices of meteorites these days.